~ Bukhari, Muslim

~ Bukhari

~ Tirmidhi

What's our purpose?
Our Mission
Nourish curious and creative minds
Spark passions of iman
and goodness
Create ambassadors of
truth and patience
Cultivate amazing humans
and prophetic characters
Prepare them for prosperity
in both this life and the next

What do we cherish?
Our Values
Our Premier Programs
Curriculum & Activities

Montessori Inspired

Rigorous Academics

Religious Foundations

Our Awesome School
Location & Facilities
270 Windsor Street, Thunder Bay, ON

Our Amazing People
Team & Talent

& lots of contributors working hard behind the scenes!
We embrace a partnership-based hiring philosophy, based on mutual respect, staff empowerment, and a commitment to deliver an exceptional educational experience at our premier elementary academy.
Click here to apply & join the team
Your kind words
Oh wow! This. Is. Impressive!
A community advocate
"It was a dream for many of us to have such a school in Thunder Bay. Alhamdulelah this dream is coming true and will be finally here. May Allah accept this great deed and give it all the success…. I wish the Muslim community will support this project as much as they can!"
Umm Ahmed
A loving mother
"Al Khayr Academy exceeds our expectations, blending IQRA and Ontario curriculum to provide a strong education in an Islamic environment. The management and facilities are impressive, creating a safe and inspiring school."
"You know being very honest I am so jealous that I am too old to join the Islamic school"
Sr. Halima
College Student
“Wow! Dreams do come true. Allahumma Baarik”
Hafidh Ayoub
TBay Alumni
“This is a huge success for the entire community mashaAllah!”
Abdullah Syed
Past TBMRA Executive
“As parents of 3 kids... we were planning to move to Calgary/Edmonton [so] we can get our kids to go to Islamic school... Alhamdulillah, the very same day, in the afternoon, I came to know about the Al Khayr Academy... Me and my wife were so happy and were so delighted with this news. It brought peace in our mind. Our dua is with you, as we, together, make this project a success inshaAllaah!”
Hassan Rahman
"Looks awesome msA to the point I actually can't believe that's where we'll be. It was such a long journey to find this place, and seeing it like this here is humbling. May Allah forgive our shortcomings, and grant us, our children and our community the best that we envision, and even much much better than that, as He always does, and we trust Him to always do. Ameen."
a team member